Everything we produce here at The Art of Home is free to our audience. This project is a privately funded ministry designed to equip women to serve Jesus by managing their homes and cultivating the home relationships for His glory.
We welcome your partnership in any or all of the following ways: Share, Review, Give
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One of our Pillars of Homemaking is community. We need one another in this practice of the art of home. For generations, women have shared homemaking knowledge, recipes, parenting tips, and other encouraging advice over back fences, at town wells, and in the midsts of weekly markets. In our modern times, we still share wisdom with one another, it just looks a little different. We share on instagram reels and Pinterest boards. Yet there is still great value in hearing a tip or recommendation from someone you personally know.
What woman in your life could use encouragement in her homemaking? Would you consider sharing your favorite episode of The Art of Home with her?
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One of the best ways you can support The Art of Home is by leaving a rating and review on your podcast listening app. It is very easy to do, only takes a few minutes of your time and really helps other homemakers decide if this show is a good fit for them.
You can use the link below which works on any device. The photos below demonstrate how to navigate to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. https://lovethepodcast.com/theartofhome

You can leave us a one-time tip or set up a monthly tip in our virtual tip jar, Buy Me a Coffee. One-time tips are given in $5 increments and you may buy us one coffee or as many as you would like. If you would like to partner with The Art of Home ministry you can become a Titus 2 Woman member by setting up a monthly $5 tip. You will receive our undying gratitude and access to a few special member perks. Click the link below for more information. Tips from Buy Me a Coffee go towards production costs. Thank you so much for your support!