"There are homes in which there is nothing remarkable in the way of grandeur or elegance, yet the very atmosphere as you enter it is filled with sweetness like, 'the smell of a field that the Lord hath blessed'. It is the aroma of love, the love of Christ shed abroad in human hearts." ~JR Miller
We have an opportunity, homemakers, to cultivate a particular spiritual and relational fragrance in our homes. Will it be a sweet aroma or an offensive stench?
Today I am sharing a little story about the aroma of home, some of my favorite spice mixes and I'm pulling a classic cookbook From My Bookshelf that I think will help you in your homemaking journey.
Welcome & From My Bookshelf: The Southern Living Cookbook
"Smell of Old Houses" and Kitchen Aromas: Homemade Spice Mixes
The Aroma of Home
Rawlings, Marjorie. "Smell of Old Houses." Songs of a Housewife, edited by Roger L Tarr, University Press of Florida, 1997. p. 113.My
Spice Blend Recipes:
Bulk Spice Resources:
Spice Storage Supplies: I like to make X-large batches of my standard spice blends a couple of times per year. I store the bulk in a quart sized mason jar in my extra food storage closet and I keep a smaller amount in a half-pint sized jar in my kitchen spice cabinet. It is also handy to have a funnel for easy refilling of your smaller jars from your bulk storage.
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Nice imagery of the fragrance of well loved homes.