Hello, Homemaker, and welcome to Season 18! In this episode I will catch you up on what I've been doing since Christmas (including my own version of a pantry challenge) and share what is coming this season on The Art of Home. Then we will jump into our conversation with Bethany Kimsey, host of The Warrior Mama Podcast, wife to Troy for 27 years and mama to 8!She has a passion for helping women take hold of the Gospel and confidently apply it in their motherhood. Bethany has so much wisdom to share about homemaking, parenting, prayer and following Jesus through it all; I know you will enjoy her story of home.
Welcome and Allison's Homemaking Update: My Pantry Challenge
Meet Bethany, Beginnings & Adopting a Posture of Learning
Expectations: Learning the Art of Changing Rhythms
Special Challenges: Delegating with Kindness, Communicating with Clarity
Hospitality: Be Purposeful with a Few
Seasons of Homemaking: Gospel-Saturated Home and Motherhood
Homemaking Q&A: fails, wins, & favorites
The Art of Home: The Posture of the Heart is Key
Titus 2 Advice: Don't Compare
Product or Resource:
Her Cordless Vacuum. You can take it anywhere and it is light enough for young kids to use!
Hack or Tip:
Room Time…start with babies and fun toys in their crib for a few minutes alone, then to pack and play, then to a room where they can have independent play. The goal is to develop their Room Time muscles so they could play 45min-1 hour. Mamas, resist the temptation to veg out in front of a screen or fill that time with chores. Hold it sacred and do something that fills you up-like reading, crafting, a phone call with a friend, baking or napping.
Signature Dish: Best Chicken Pot Pie
When I asked for her signature dish, Bethany laughed and said this is what her kids would say is the best thing she makes, but all it really is is Chicken Pot Pie with the vegetables taken out! 😂
She does serve the veggies on the side, however, and her kids eat them up without complaint. They just don't want them mixed in with the pie for some reason!

website: bethanykimsey.co | instagram: @bethanykimsey
Warrior Mama's Prayer Journal (use discount code AOH15)

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